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Oct 17, 2024

More Finland Photos

These are some of the non-aurora photos from my trip to Finland. Mostly scenery, but also the two lead dogs that pulled a cart that I rode and a reindeer that I walked who liked to stop for snacks. Plus the snow from the day before we left!


Oct 15, 2024

The Aurora

I spent the last two weeks in Finland and was lucky there were clear skies a few of the nights while in the Arctic Circle that I could see the Aurora. I could also see many more stars than I normally do since there was very little light pollution! Here are a few of my photos of the northern lights. I took many more, but most were quite blurry because of the long exposure time and I didn’t use a tripod. 

Northern Lights
Northern Lights
Northern Lights
Northern Lights
Northern Lights

Oct 10, 2024

Moomin Journals

Whenever I go on a "BIG" trip with my family we journal along the way and I decorated these journals with drawings of Moomin characters for our trip to Finland! I'm sure you've seen the cute white hippo-looking characters. They are Finnish and they are actually trolls. I struggled with a few of the drawings, but overall they turned out pretty good. Here they are in the order I drew them: Stinky, Snorkmaiden, The Hattifatteners, Snufkin, and Moominpappa!

Moomin Travel Journals
Moomin Travel Journals
Moomin Travel Journals
Moomin Travel Journals
Moomin Travel Journals

Oct 3, 2024

Knitting Progress

I'm on a deadline to finish this balaclava! I was making such progress on this knitting project, but entirely stopped knitting in March so this has sat unfinished until last week when I realized I wanted to take it on my upcoming trip. Progress has been made and I'm nearly finished! Fingers crossed I finish before I head to the airport, but I could always knit on the plane.

Brioche Knit Balaclava WIP
Brioche Knit Balaclava WIP
Brioche Knit Balaclava WIP

Oct 1, 2024


It's been awhile! The gardening season is coming to a close and this is my first update. I planned to grow lots of flowers this year, but I planted seeds late so I mostly had dahlias and sunflowers as many of the other flowers did not grow. Here are some of the sunflowers I grew. They are a from a mixed pack of seeds and were a range of colors and mix of single and double flowers. Most of these have gone to seed and I've saved so many to grow next year!
