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Apr 1, 2010

Anniversary Gift

Yesterday marked my first blogiversary. I have been blogging for an entire year! Hurrah! As a thank you to all my readers I have decided to have a giveaway. You can win this embroidered Moleskine:


The first anniversary is traditionally the paper anniversary hence the notepad with the number one on it. The Moleskine is their 3 1/2 x 5 1/2" size and has graph paper sheets! Here is a picture of the insides:

journal insides

This lovely notebook could be yours; here's how to win:
1. Leave a comment below by Tuesday April 13th 11:59pm MDT.
2. Wait. The winner will be picked using a random number generator and will be announced on my Thursday April 15th post.

Note: Anyone can enter, even if they live outside the US.

You may also notice a little bit of remodeling around here... I moved the header to the left and the sidebar up a bit. Another change: the site is now officially Hurray for the first year!


  1. I may regret being the 1st commenter, how often does the #1 win in a random draw? But I am your #1 fan. Congrats on making it through the 1st year!

  2. Congrats on your first year of blogging! I also like the new domain new.

  3. Is this an April fool's joke? HAHA, JK! A whole year? Wow! I hope the random generator picks me to win! :D

  4. Darn, I wanted to be third. It is a lucky number. Congratulations on a year of blogging. :) They have been very interesting. And I cannot to read more.
    Come on lucky number 4. :)

  5. Please pick me!! I am such a poor loser! Congrats on one year!

  6. Congratulations! Here's to another awesome year of inspiring projects.

  7. i like your blog , looking forward to

  8. congrats! thats awesome that you have blogged for a whole year! keep it up :)

  9. you do such good work make it look sew e-z...but then again i am just lazy......your #3 fan...#1#2 or wendy and kari

  10. I love your creative ideas.

  11. Kelly, your comment section won't post me and I want to desperately win.
