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Feb 8, 2011


Feeling Stitchy is hosting a stitchalong for the month of February! Everyone uses the same vintage pattern and has the rest of the month to finish. So far only a few projects have been shared; here are two that I really enjoy:

by jenaissance2010

by annalea hart
All of the stitchalong projects are posted in the Embroidery Flickr Pool and tagged FebStitchalong.

I think I will join in the fun and make a mini version of the pattern. In other crafting news: Sunday I started knitting that turban from the vintage pattern I shared with you sometime ago. I will share photos of my progress soon. All of a sudden I am feeling a little overwhelmed by my 'I need to finish these soon' projects. The seersucker fabric is still untouched (I almost made a shirt this weekend, but minds were changed) and now I have my knitting that looks like it will take forever and this embroidery project that I haven't even started. It looks like I will be busy!

Update: I closed comments because I was getting way too much spam!

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