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Mar 24, 2011

CD Case Photo Frame

I finished cutting the photos and decided to hang them in my bedroom.

cd case photo frame

Last year when I was doing a lot of upcycle projects I posted this tutorial from Photojojo on turning CD jewel cases into picture frames. Well, I have finally used up a few of the CD cases I have been storing.

Overall this project was fairly easy. I used the tutorial's measurements for the photos instead of actually measuring the CD case. My photos needed to be cut smaller than was suggested so they would fit. The photo I used is this image. I made it by combining two of my Hipstimatic photos (this one of  the goldfish and one of Winslow) using Pro HDR. Fake double exposure with fake film photos!

I have lots of CD cases left so I may be turning them into photo frames one of these days.


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