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Jul 9, 2015

Folding Table and Chairs Makeover

I've had a pair of folding chairs that were a little beat up and figured it was time to give them a little makeover. I found some bright floral oilcloth at Fabric Depot (One of my favorite stores in Portland!) and bought enough to cover both folding chairs and the card table too.

Folding Table and Chairs Makeover

For the makeover, I removed the chair seats (by clipping the ends of the plastic not-screws/fasteners, a decision I nearly regretted) and the tabletop (it was screwed into place) then spray painted the metal frames with some coordinating blue paint that I happened to have (leftover cans from painting a bookshelf). To cover the chair seats and tabletop I cut the fabric to size and used a staple gun to secure the edges on the underside.

Folding Table and Chairs Makeover
Folding Table and Chairs Makeover

The tabletop easily screwed back into the card table frame, but the seats of the chairs were a little more difficult; I couldn't find replacement fasteners and I was afraid to screw the seat in place (I didn't want them to be too long and possibly hurt someone's bum). Gluing the seats in place was another option I considered, but wanted something that could be removed more easily. I finally decided that Command Strips would work and bought the picture hanging strips (they are the ones that are sort of like Velcro and stick to each other). So far they are working great; no poking/scratching the bum and the seats haven't budged (I haven't been rough with the chairs at all though so I'm not sure how they will hold up).

Folding Table and Chairs Makeover

They turned out pretty good. I love the fabric! So bright and fun; I need to have a little garden party!


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