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Oct 6, 2015

Houseplant Guidebook

One of my craft resolutions for the year was to give scrapbooking another try and make two scrapbooks. The end of the year is on the horizon so I've finally started working on this goal. What better motivation than a deadline?

My first "scrapbook" is a plant care reference book for my houseplants. This summer two plants have died under my care and I want to stop that from happening to any others. (R.I.P Norfolk Pine and Cyclamen.) Also this guidebook might help make my home a more inviting place for "temperamental" plants to live.


I made a list of every plant that lives with me and am slowly compiling information about each of them: preferences for light, water, humidity; propagation methods; if they're poisonous; their maximum size; care tips; and other facts. I'm not sure how to style each page, here is one I started on an index card:


Handwriting everything will take longer than I want so I am switching to some sort of computer print out. Now I need to get each plant's information standardized and figure out my layout. Here are a few of my plants:

Once I finish it will be a handy reference when one of my plants looks ill or if I want to rearrange. I've already begun modifying some plant's living conditions to help them thrive! I'm working on turning my house into a jungle.


  1. Replies
    1. thanks. i don't want to kill any more plants.

  2. What a great idea! So practical. Most of my scrapbook efforts have been more like journals, but now I'm thinking a recipe scrapbook might be a nice idea then I can look at it every day.

    1. A recipe scrapbook is a good idea!

    2. It is a good idea! I'm thinking about making a scrapbook full of my family's holiday recipes.


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