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Mar 24, 2016

Spring Time Wreath

It's spring! The birds are chirping, the flowers are budding, and I finished my spring time wreath!

Spring time wreath
Spring time wreath

The wire wreath is wrapped in fake moss then decorated with yarn covered wires I shaped into flowers and leaves and swirls. It's now hanging on my front door welcoming my guests and the warmish weather.

Today I was going to share my Craft Book Club project, but excuses... I felt a little bit like a high school student who didn't read the assigned book (I didn't read The Catcher in the Rye yet) and studied cliffnotes so they can pass the test (in my case, make my silly craft project within the month). Well, I'm an adult and this is my blog so I'm postponing the 'due date' until next month!

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