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Sep 26, 2019

Pottery 3

My last pottery class is tonight! I want to throw three more things so fingers crossed I have enough time. I ran out of clay (my recycled clay is still a bit too wet) so decided to split a bag of this chocolate colored clay with Chelsea. It is a nice clay, has a nice firmness to it and I feel like I can center it easier! Here are a few of the things I have made.


I decided to remake the sundae cup (its a bit smaller than before) then made a second/fourth out of the chocolate clay, I think they look pretty similar. There is another vase, and a little plate, and I also decided to make another bell, this one has a handle. Lets hope the few things I have ready get fired so I can start glazing and these things I have thrown are the right texture/dryness for trimming!

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