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Aug 9, 2022

Slowly Growing

The seedlings are in the ground and have been growing fairly slowly. It's probably regular pace, but since they were planted so late it seems very slow. There are flowers on some of the pumpkins, but at this rate it is highly unlikely there will be any pumpkins by Halloween. The pumpkins are in a small patch of lawn instead of the vegetable beds so they would have lots of space to grow and sprawl. We'll see how well they grow over the next two months. 


It's time to get the fall plants started and once again I'm behind. I've been busy making other planting plans and watching tv and ignoring chores so we will see how my fall and winter gardens go. I may still have pumpkins growing. (They will be covered with frost cloth to keep them growing as long as possible if I don't have any pumpkins before the cold settles in.)

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