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Jun 14, 2012

District Four

Over the weekend I finished Mockingjay, the last book in The Hunger Games trilogy (I cried sooooo much!) and decided to finally make some district four inspired bread!

If you are not familiar with the books/movie, district four's major industry is fishing and their bread (each district has a unique type of bread that correlates with their industry) is a salty fish shaped bread that is tinted green from seaweed.


I ended up making a fish shaped loaf and a not specially shaped loaf. Above is my fish before being baked (I was really pleased with my bread sculpting skills, but he puffed up a lot during the bake and sort of looked like a sea monkey when I pulled him out of the oven) and below is the finished loaf that was not fish shaped (because I am too embarrassed to post a photo of my deformed fish).


Of all the foods mentioned in the books, the bread from district four intrigued me the most and I actually liked it a lot. I have some nori leftover so I may make some more soon!

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