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Jun 12, 2012

Yarn Bob-omb!

Saturday was International Yarn Bombing Day! I found out just last week and decided there couldn't be a better day to do my first yarn bomb. I spent Thursday and Friday night knitting this bunny rabbit and got up early on Saturday to attach him to a crosswalk pole!

Yarn Bob-omb!

This bunny was knit with yarn I had in my stash. (Two different colorways of the same type of yarn.) Wire was used to give the ears shape; they needed to be floppy! I even gave him googly eyes!

Yarn Bob-omb! detail

I am pretty happy about my first yarn bomb! I hope lots of people are enjoying it!


  1. I hope he lives for many many days and is enjoyed by lots of people.

  2. Where can you find your yarn bombs? You did a fantastic job kelly!

    1. thanks. this one was up for about a week and a half before someone took it down.


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