top bar

Dec 31, 2013

Blog Makeover!

I finally finished the blog redesign! Here are the major changes: a sticky navigation bar with links to pages within the blog, social media links, and subscription links; a notification section to announce or remind you of giveaways, upcoming events, or anything else I want; and a footer with new badges for pages within the blog (this is really only visable on individual posts and pages). I also added endless scroll so you can keep reading and reading and reading!

blog makeover

If you are viewing this post in your email or an aggregator pop on over to to check out the changes!

PS. Check out the new 404 page!
PSS. I'm still trying to get the highlight pages to auto populate because I always forget to update them, but HTML & CSS are not my friends and I can't figure it out!

1 comment:

  1. Great new site. Can't wait to see what you have in store for us in 2014.


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