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Jan 2, 2014

HELLO 2014!

I actually completed all of my 2013 crafting intentions! Craft Book Club, check! 52 Double Exposures, check! (The final roundup of the double exposures will be next week!) Yarn Bombs, check!


Winslow wanted to wish you a happy New Year! He couldn't resist playing with the sparkly pompoms!

Here are my crafting intentions for this year:
  • Crochet! I'm not sure if this one really counts because I completed my first crochet project on Christmas (I had a live instructor), but I decided weeks ago that learning to crochet would be one of my resolutions. My crochet skills were very limited, I could do a chain stitch and that is it! Turning was out of the question; every time I tried to crochet it looked like a strange blob. I still need practice, so expect a few crochet posts this year!
  • Cables & Colorwork! I need to level up with my knitting! The idea of both cables and colorwork freak me out a little bit, they seem sort of difficult, but I am going to learn. If you follow me on Ravelry you may have noticed a few patterns/projects popping up in my favorites that use one or both of these skills. I can't wait!
  • Project From Each Craft Book I Own! This one is going to be the tough one! My bookshelf has several craft type books that just sit there collecting dust. I haven't made any projects from most of these books, but I bought them and need to actually use them so I will be making one project from each book. Right now I don't have a list of books, I'm not even sure how many there are (hopefully 12 or less, it shouldn't be too many, but my obsessive consumption may surprise me)!
What are your 2014 making plans?

Update: I closed comments because I was getting way too much spam!


  1. Mine is to finish knitting my scarf before winter is over. It's my first real knitting project!
