The surprise felt things my friends and I made last week were animal ear headbands for my sister's zoo birthday party! Here is a picture of a few of them, I forgot to take a picture before the party.
We hot glued ears around headbands similarly to the mouseketeer costume I made earlier this year. Hot glue was much easier to use and you could add a cup shape to the ears that stay after the glue cools! Here is my sister wearing her zebra ears, this butterfly thought they were wonderful.
Our day at the zoo started with breakfast; we made and ate some cute "animal foods" (zebra striped mini donuts, some mini frittatas with canadian bacon ears and olive eyes, etc...) while sitting next to the red panda!
Here are picures of two cute cuddly wild animals we saw to brighten your day, a sleepy fox and a smiling firefox/red panda:
Thanks for a wonderful birthday party!