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May 26, 2015

Garden Plants

I've been doing lots of plant shopping! I made my second trip to Peaceful Belly Farm for their annual plant sale, my neighbor was selling plants she started, and I've been hitting up all the garden stores! My front porch has quite the little collection.


Over the weekend we built another raised bed! I am planning on planting corn again this year and my new bed is just the place! Now I need to get everything in the ground! I'm having a bit of a late start this year with my gardening, there are a few packets of seeds sitting on my kitchen table waiting to put in soil!

I've also been trying my hand at plant propagation via cuttings. There are some yellow wild roses by a canal I pass on my way to work that I really like so now I have pieces of them in containers. I've also got a few cuttings from my Nana, goldfish plant and lipstick plant. Fingers crossed they start growing.

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And I've eaten my first few strawberries!!!


How is your garden growing? Trying any new plants this year? This week I'll be moving everything into the raised beds and planting lots of seeds!


  1. Like you, I am trying to get both a goldfish plant and lipstick plant started. I have 4 cuttings of each.
    And I am trying my hand at some recently acquired clippings of a Acquaria Red Fox Tail, am hoping that I was able to get both a male and female snips.
    In my garden I have 4 types of strawberries now, and a variety of herbs.

    1. Good luck with all the plants! Hopefully your foxtail clippings will grow and pollinate!

  2. My four little plants were doing good now three may have died. :( i forgot to water them for two days.

    1. Yikes! I have faith you can bring them back from near death!


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