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Jun 4, 2015

Knitting Machine

International Yarn Bombing Day is next Saturday, the 13th!!!

I have some big plans this year, 90 x 50 inch plans, so I borrowed my mother's knitting machine and finished the base in two evenings! Knitting with a machine is soooooo quick and easy! Here is the yarn bomb base (I stretched it in the yard because #space and #whynot).

Yarn bomb WIP

The rest of the yarn bomb might be a bit more time consuming; I'm hand knitting some of it, but will use the machine as much as I can!


  1. You can make an awesome blanket with that thing! Super cool!

    1. The knitting machine is so crazy fast (except when I drop stitches). I've got another yarn bomb planned to use up even more yarn from my stash and I'm definitely going to knit it with the machine!

  2. It is crazy that this was the start of the amazing yarn bomb! Lol


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