I definitely failed at my 2018 resolutions; I finished one of four knitting projects, made no progress on my quilt, did zero projects from my new books, but did all the weaving projects I had planned. It was a rough year for me, but 2019 is going to be much better!
This year's resolutions should be easier than last. I'm planning on finishing one big project, trying my hand at something new, and working on my garden.
Finish That Quilt
As noted in my 2018 resolutions, the progress on my denim quilt is pathetic. I have all the materials, I just need to set aside some time to cut all the pieces, sew them together, and add the back. I think this will be a good project to start soon so I actually finish it this year. Next time you see me ask how the quilt is coming along, you can also come over and help if you'd like.
Learn a New Craft
I haven't decided what this new craft will be, I'm leaning towards welding or pottery. I've never done any welding and the only pottery I've really ever done was in high school so I'm counting that as a new craft option. Which would you recommend? Should I try something else entirely? Does anyone want to take classes with me?
So Much Gardening
This one isn't very quantifiable, but I am going to start seeds this year instead of purchasing all my plants. (I'll probably still buy some because how can I resist another pumpkin variety.) At the end of the month I'll be setting up my little greenhouse and likely my cold frames. I'll be starting pumpkins (obviously), luffa, garden huckleberries, and some other things. Once the last frost has passed I'll also be planting corn and I'll be adding some new trees to my yard!
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