Since the last garden update, the crocus have bloomed and have lost their petals, the honeyberries have bloomed, both the rhubarb and peony are growing taller, and I've neglected to take photos of most of these things. I did however take photos of some flowers I collected to make some sweet treats and the squash and pumpkin seeds I started!
I learned that violets can be used as a pH indicator where their extract (that I was going to make into a syrup) turns pink in acid and green is alkaline. Unthinkingly, I heated tap water in my kettle instead of distilled and made a green liquid that I'm now realizing I could have still used, but I was fustrated and tossed it out. The other flowers I collected were cherry blossoms that I have treated with lemon juice and sugar and froze. I'm not sure what kind of treat to make with them yet, they could have been a lovely garnish in some violet lemonade and now I'm doubly disapointed in myself.
Lets hope that the pumpkin and squash seeds germinate (I put enough in each pot, they better germinate) and I will start a bunch of flower seeds (better late than never?) and try to remember to take pictures! How is your garden growing?
Just learning for next time!