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Aug 15, 2023


The garden is surviving the current heatwave and the fruit are plumping up! Over the last two weeks, the tiny cucumbers have reached maturity and were primarily gobbled up by my niece while she was visiting. These still very small cucumbers are cucamelons and have a very tough skin and a slightly sour taste. I'm not a cucumber fan, but these are pretty good and I want to grow them again next year.


In other exciting garden news: the random pumpkin plant growing in the front porch planter (that I apparently haven't told you about before) has a tiny fruit! This pumpkin's seed was left from my porch decor from last fall, apparently I wasn't as thorough in my cleanup after collecting seeds.


I also have two watermelon that are nearly ripe, grapes that are getting closer, and snapdragons that are blooming again. The dahlias are mostly not blooming still; only the fun black dahlias have bloomed, but I am seeing some buds for the others. There are also two sunflowers that planted themselves (likely with the help of a bird or squirrel) next to my pumpkin plant that finally have flower buds. They are very late bloomers compared to the others around my neighborhood.


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