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Sep 12, 2023

The Autumn Spirit

I'm getting into the autumn spirit so for my last oil pastel I drew an autumnal field with some crows. I think it looks pretty good, some of the crows look better than others, but they still look pretty good. My little sketchbook is filling up with oil pastel drawings, I'll need another sketchbook soon, and I think I am finally learning how to use oil pastels. One thing I've learned is my preference for the junior artist oil pastels I bought from Blick over the Crayola set. Even though they are a low quality art supply, they are much more smooth and leave behind fewer "boogers" than the Crayola oil pastels and I'm ready for a full set. I bought a box of both black and white since I use those colors the most and I'm assuming the other colors in the set will be similar in texture. If you are interested in trying oil pastels, get a Sakura Cray-Pas Junior Artist set, you'll be much more pleased with their quality and your drawings. 


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