You may have noticed that the marigolds that were in with the tomato and peppers are gone. The bugs destroyed them! It was pretty sad, I woke up one morning shortly after planting them to find marigold sticks. Every leaf and petal had been eaten; I thought marigolds were suppose to keep the bugs away!
In other garden news, I bought some clearance flowers (I can't remember the name) and planted them in the other whiskey barrels. They are quite pretty and I wish I remembered what kind of flower they are. Oh, I was visiting my friends who adopted a tomato and two pepper seedlings. I am quite happy to report that they are much better plant parents than I am and the adopted plants are not dead (like mine), but looking quite healthy!
I bought some herb lavender too, but they are still in their tiny pots and I need to do some soil prep before they can truly move into the yard. (I may share their photos during the next garden update.) Happy Gardening!
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