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Oct 15, 2013

End of the Growing Season

Right now my little vegetable garden is in hibernation waiting for the spring and time to grow again. Two weeks ago I pulled up my plants, took down the trellis and stakes, and planted a few bulbs for next year!

Zucchini still growing

When cleaning up the garden I noticed that the zucchini plants didn't stop growing, after a month without watering I got a few more baby zucchini!

Leaf bug

I also saw this little leaf bug! It was hanging out on a shriveled up pumpkin vine. Right after I took this photo I bumped the vine and the leaf flew up into a tree.

Rhubarb bulb

The big change for my garden next year is I moved my rhubarb into one of the raised beds. This blurry bulb was the best of the three bits I salvaged after digging up the plant(s) and completely destroyed it. I really hope they grow come spring!

Tomato seeds

Tomato seeds! I saved the seeds of a half dozen tomatoes, I figured that would be enough to ensure a tomato plant actually grows next year! Other exciting garden news: I planted garlic, but I'll tell you about it next week!

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