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Jun 25, 2020

Wild Yeast Cinnamon Bread

I made cinnamon bread with wild yeast for my Craft Book Club project. This month's read was Never Home Alone by Rob Dunn and I've been trying to pay more attention to the insects around me hoping I can spot a new species! Anyway, a very interesting part of the book was about sourdough starters and how the sourdough changes the personal flora of the baker AND the personal flora of the baker changes the sourdough! 

Years ago I made some wild yeast gift jars for xmas presents for everyone I knew, but ended up tossing mine somewhere down the line. At the start of quarantine when I was struggling, a few of my friends put together a little care package with plants, seeds, an adorable drawing from one of their daughters, and some sourdough starter. I've been growing and sharing the starter and obviously making loaves of bread.

Wild Yeast Cinnamon Bread

The upcoming books for Craft Book Club are The Drunken Botanist by Amy Stewart for July and The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery for August. Spoilers: I'll probably be making a cocktail next month for my project!

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